الجمعة، 2 أغسطس 2013

Make Your Own Favicon In Favico.Com

Favicon In Favico.Com

Maybe all friend already know what is Favicon?? Yapss ... Favicon stands for "Favourite Icon" which is a picture / logo from a website or blog that appears on the browser, the user Blogger - Blogspot by default already has the form of a default favicon icon logo blogger.

Blogger Favicon is an image with the letter B logo with orange color background. If it is too general you can replace it with our own image. Favicon image that can be used is the image format. Ico, Well this time I gave a little tutorial of how to make their own favicon in favico.com.

Favico.com is one site favicon providers, there are many more sites like favicon.cc favicon providers, etc.

How to Make it??

1. Set up drawings / make first picture jpg or png format.

2. Open Site Favico.com.

3. Click browse and select the folder icon image that will be created blog> choose size 32x32> and click Create.

4. If It first click Preview to see the result and click download.

How can Add this Favicon in Blog?

1. Go to Dashboard> Layout> Click Edit on the favicon blog.2. Then will come a new tab, click choose file and select the favicon that was created earlier. and click save.

Thank you. I hope you will like this tutorial.

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